Director’s News

Weaverly Tree Lighting Logistics 2022

Dear Athens Drive Band students and parents,

The administration at Waverly Place has requested that our marching band perform for about 15 minutes at 6:00pm this Friday, Nov. 18th for the beginning of their tree-lighting ceremony. As Waverly Place has generously donated the space for our Dewey’s Bakery Store, we are performing this service as a way of saying “thank you;” however, it is also a wonderful way to bring joy to our community! Students may use this performance as “hours” for Tri-M, Key Club and NHS Honor Societies.

I realize that this event was NOT on our original schedule and it is a “last minute request,” therefore I am asking you to try to make it work. I fully understand if you have a previous commitment that you cannot alter. Thank you for trying!

And we’ve got one more snag…we have no buses! (They are being used for “away” basketball games that evening.) So, students will need to arrange their own transportation; however, I know that we’ll have many parents/students willing to take students from Athens.

Listed below is the schedule that we will follow for the evening:





*Report to Athens 4:30pm

-Change into full uniform

Depart for Waverly Place (on own) 4:50pm

-Plan 30 min. for travel and parking

Arrive Waverly Place 5:20pm

-Add plumes, lights for music

-Warm-up, march to performance area

Performance 6:00pm

-Christmas Parade music & other

carols (TBA)

-March back to buses

Depart Waverly Place 6:30pm

Arrive Athens Drive 7:00pm

*Students may take instrument and uniform home (plus hats) with them on Friday after school and just meet us at Waverly Place at 5:20pm. Please make certain that you allow extra time for travel and parking.

We anticipate a large audience for this event—so it’s going to be great PR for our band program! And, because it is a tree-lighting, it’s going to LIT! And, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE LIGHTS AFFIXED TO OUR UNIFORMS, SO WE WILL BE LIT TOO!

“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.