Start Time: 7:40PM
Attendance: ?
President (Mary Knierim (filling in for Wendy Bennett) and Susan Harrell): Welcome.
Composite Photos:
- Tricia Bristow from Just Smile Photography provided information on the Composite photos being taken October 5th-8th.
- She can take casual photos along with the band photos. She can do small groups also.
- You can still order a composite from last year right now. Go to: and type in your own e-mail. Email for the password.
- This year’s will be at: type in your own e-mail and email for the password.
- Tricia recommends the 11×14 size as the smallest size to get. If you want them in time for Christmas you should order by the first week in Nov.
Secretary’s Report (Jami Summers): No minutes, this is first meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (Joe Baker):
- He said it’s a very busy time of year. He went over the budget very briefly.
- Our total revenues were $397,978.00, Expenses were $332,519.00.
- Account Credits were $68,659.
- Net Income was $3,200.00.
- Statements should be coming out by email very shortly.
Chaperones (Deb Alvord): As of 9/11 – 31 individuals have given 389.5 hours of volunteering. For football games they have new lighted ropes and vests for safety. They will also be used for State Fair Parking. Deb did a demonstration of how to sign up on the website. She asked that people not add in spots if they are already filled up.
Coupon Books (Pam Rusnak): She said that those that earned free books will receive those after all the accounting is done. So far it looks better than last year’s numbers.
BBQ (Laura Ashford): Laura asked for everyone to help with desserts! Bring homemade desserts in $1 size baggies to the BBQ. Lots of people have been out selling, but she needs more to sign up to help. She will look into bulk buying.
Mattress Sale (Aleece Spalding): She needs a co-chair. The sale is Saturday November 14th. There will be a parent meeting at the 9-9 practice at 8:30 pm with Clint Stovall. He gives $10 to the kids for each prospective phone call they make.
Big Al’s (Wayne Childers): This fund raiser goes on during the fair. Adults earn $9 per hour and students earn $7 per hour plus $1 towards general fund. There are AM and PM shifts which include admission to the fair. It does not count towards service credits. Signups will go up early next week. Students must work with their parents.
Transportation (David Scarborough): He said that he is trying to find someone that has a trailer that could transport the 5 uniform racks. And they always need drivers.
Mary Knierim: She announced that we are still looking for a lot of co-chairs or trainees for lots of programs-Sponsorship, Grants, Bulls, Golf Tourney, Mattress Sale, Lemonade Stand, PNC, First Aid (does not need to be a nurse or doctor-just CPR trained), Year End Video, Meals and Snacks, Practice Field, Big Al’s, Concert Video.
Director News (Doc) :
- Started off with a delivery of pink roses and pink balloons and a phone call from Greg Fishel announcing that after 17months he finally beat Doc at golf so now Doc has the pink ball.
- Everyone, including class bands is included in the Disney trip.
- Band is one big Family.
- The Band program receives no money from the school.
- We’re off to a great start.
- All parents are useful! We need all kinds of talents.
- 9-9 rehearsal is to make sure everything works together.
- Chamber Concert is October 8th.
- Fall concert is October 29th with Wind Ensemble and Symphonic band.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:40PM