Booster News

Athens Drive Marching Band Registration is Open

Athens Drive Marching Band Registration is up and running.

Sign up for our band by filling out the online Marching Band Registration Form. The deadline is June 19th!

Some important notes about registration and band camp:
We are requesting a $100 registration fee; however, this may be amended/waived for families struggling economically with the COVID-19 impact. In a worst-case scenario in which we are unable to have Marching Band this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, registration fees will be refunded to all accounts that are paid in full.
We will only travel to N.C. Wesleyan for Band Camp if a) we are permitted to do so by following WCPSS and NC guidelines; AND b) the vast majority of students/parent chaperones can attend. We realize that even with the restrictions lifted, we may have some students/families that are not comfortable with spending that week away from home. The first question in registration concerns your willingness to send your child away to band camp this year.
The Final Day to Sign-up for Marching Band is JUNE 19. All students must register for Marching Band by this date by filling out the online Marching Band Registration Form. After this date, we will submit our numbers to our drill writer who will choreograph our show. Please note that we cannot add members once the show has been written.
All students interested in playing percussion must also contact our instructor, John Antonelli at for information needed to assign parts. John may provide some “remote instruction” and ask the students to submit a video of their work so that he can determine skill levels. Please contact John as soon as possible as he is in the process of writing the music for our show!
All students interested in joining color guard must also contact our instructor, Jennifer Harris at for information regarding securing flags, rifles, and sabre. Jennifer (who goes by “Mason”) may provide some “remote instruction” and ask the students to submit a video of their work so that she can determine skill levels. Please contact Mason as soon as possible as we need to get costumes/flags ordered in June for the fall season.
Please let us know if you have any questions!

Michelle Major and Laurie Cockman
Athens Drive Band Boosters

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.