Hello Band Families and Students!
The Band Yearbook is in production and slowly turning into a great photo collection of all our band events – from Marching Band to concert events to Winter Guard and Percussion (and then some!).
Our book must be ready for print by mid-April and to help with this process, I always ask students and parents if they can help create a page in the book. It is all done online using Treering and very easy (and I will double check everyone’s pages – so don’t worry about making a mistake). What you contribute will be printed as part of the finished yearbook – to be viewed and enjoyed by everyone! But don’t forget, if you order a yearbook – you still have your own “personal pages” to design anyway you like 🙂
If you are interested in helping, email me at:
Just like last year, I will coordinate a “training” session for any that need it or want to work on their pages together. We have met at NC State, which we can do again, and you will just need to bring your laptop, power adapter and sense of fun! Or you can create your page from the comfort of your own home!
Oh – and if you haven’t ordered your yearbook yet…why wait? Here’s the link on how to place your order:
Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for any help you can provide!
Susan Uy