Please join us for our first Band Booster Meeting of the school year!
Thursday, September 12th @ 7pm
in the Athens Drive Band Room
Who are the band boosters? You are!!!! The band boosters are ALL parents who wish to be involved in their student’s band experience. This includes everything from simply reading the newsletter to volunteering as a chaperone at band events, participating in fundraising efforts, chairing a committee, or serving on the Booster Executive Board. There is a space and place for everyone. Monthly “Booster Meetings” are the perfect way to stay in the know and learn about upcoming band events and opportunities.
What’s going on at this meeting? You’ll hear from our directors, learn more about a potential spring DISNEY trip (includes class band students), hear about fall fundraising opportunities to lower your out-of-pocket band expenses, get marching band updates, and more!
COME EARLY! Our BBQ Fundraising Committee is hosting a brief kick off meeting at 6:40pm just ahead of the booster meeting. This year’s BBQ fundraiser will be held on November 5th – Election Day! Anyone who has an interest in helping out is invited to attend. We would love to have you there as we share ideas and get the fun started!