Booster News

Day 1 Band Camp Update from Greg Fishel

Day 1 of Band Camp

First of all, I’ve never sent out a summary of Day 0, which is the day before the kids arrive. A slew of Dads and Moms and a few former students arrived at Wesleyan college early in the morning to begin the setup for camp. It is no small task as there are 3 fields( winds, percussion and guard) to be painted, the scaffolding tower for Doc to direct from, the construction of tents for each of the field, the misting stations, the running of power and water, and many other details. We break for lunch at McDonalds, with the highlight being the observation of Colin Lanier and how much he can put away! When everything is finished around mid afternoon, we get cleaned up and head to Chile’s for our traditional Saturday night dinner, followed by our even more traditional expedition to Wal-Mart! It’s truly a fun day!

Now Day 1! The kids begin arriving shortly after Noon, and after getting settled, everyone goes to the Dunn Center for dinner which consists of Subway sandwiches, chips, and drinks. Then on to the respective fields for rehearsal at 6pm. Of course the radar looked ominous and Doc warned the kids they might have to move indoors at some point. There were two areas of concern-one cluster of heavy storms to our NW but it was moving away from us, and a second area of rain that was weakening but approaching from the south. Then just when we thought we might luck out, a third area formed in between the other two and produced enough rain to move everyone inside to the Dunn Center.,As it turns out the rain was so light they probably could have stayed outside, but I gave up trying to pinpoint summertime showers long ago-it simply can’t be done! Rehearsal ended at 10 and then the upperclassmen led some “get to know you games” until almost 11. A milk and cookies snack was enjoyed by all and then it was time to hit the hay, some more quickly than others LOL. Everyone was “instrumental” in the success of Day 1, and everyone took “note”. Sorry I can’t help it 🙁

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.