Booster News

Fruit Order Pick Up Friday December 13

Hello Band Parents,

If your student turned in a Fruit & Nut order, it will be ready for pick up after school on Friday, December 13th from 3-6pm. Check in at the table in the band hallway, and we will retrieve your order and help you get it to your car. Please distribute your orders as soon as possible for best quality. We will return your original order form to you at pick up to help you connect with your customers again. Please remember to thank them for supporting our band program : ) We hope you enjoy your own purchases and have a wonderful holiday season!

Thank you for participating in this year’s Fruit and Nut Fundraiser! And a special thank you to everyone who signed up to make Delivery Day run smoothly!

If you have any questions regarding delivery day, please email us at

Jennifer Wakeford & Martha Harris
Fruit and Nut Chairs

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