The Athens Drive Jazz Ensemble is a co-curricular group that meets in the Spring Semester and which supplements the music ensemble experience that students receive during the school day. The Jazz Ensemble provides students the opportunity to perform music in jazz styles and related idioms such as rock and Latin. The group meets on average 2 days per week (Tuesdays/Thursdays) and performs on school band programs and at local events. Standard instrumentation is as follows: alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drum set and auxiliary (such as vibraphone), bass, guitar, and piano. We will also accept clarinets, baritones (if you read bass clef or are willing to transpose music), flutes (if you are willing to transpose music), and tubas.
As we are rebuilding our program after the effects of the pandemic, we are opening the Jazz Ensemble to all interested students. Once we determine the interest and personnel, we may program a few smaller-ensemble works in order to give our more advanced players a challenge.
The Jazz Ensemble will be directed by Dr. Markoch. There is a $50 fair-share assessment for membership in the ensemble which covers the cost of music and any special equipment. In addition, new students will be asked to purchase the uniform blue dress shirt at a cost of @$25. The $50 fee will be due on February 1st and the fee for the shirt will be due when the shirts become available (most likely late February). The students will wear black dress pants and shoes with the shirt.
Interested students will be asked to “sign-up” on the whiteboard in the band room in early January. Parents must return the signed Jazz Ensemble Consent Form no later than Tuesday, January 25th. Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, January 25th at which time we will read music and assign parts based on musical maturity.
Like all of our ensembles, we will enforce the following policy with regard to attendance:
Students are to submit a written request to be excused from any rehearsal or performance. It is expected that the students will attend every rehearsal and performance unless illness or other emergency prohibits participation. Any unexcused absence and/or problem with excessive absence may result in suspension from performance or dismissal from the jazz ensemble with no refund of fees.
Please also take a moment to look over the ensemble’s tentative schedule:
ADHS Jazz Ensemble Spring 2022 Rehearsal/Performance Schedule
Thanks and Happy New Year!