Hi everyone,
First we would like to send a BIG THANK YOU! to all the volunteers who came out Friday to help unload and sort fruit and nuts and prepare orders for those who participated in this fundraiser. It’s just one day, but it takes many volunteers. Your help was greatly appreciated, and we had a lot of fun! Our fruit was in excellent condition this year! We processed about 2.75 TONS OF FRUIT (yes, you read that right!) and 500 nut items.
All orders were triple checked, but we are human. If you picked up a fruit/nut order yesterday, remember to double check your items before your deliver to your customers.
Please pay special attention to the following items as our final count was off by one of each of these.
Navel oranges
Large box is white with “SK ” on the side. Small box is blue. Did you get a small box when you should have gotten a large one?
Nut gift packs
Peanut gift pack is in a red package with 3 cans. Chocolate nut gift pack is a green package with 2 cans. Did you get the right one and the right number?
Please email us at fruit@athensdriveband.com ASAP with any discrepancies. Keep your eyes out for an email later this weekend about extras for sale. We have a very short window between delivery day and the holiday concert this year, so emails about extras and opportunities to get them will be few.
Thanks for another great fruit/nut sale!
Jennifer & Martha
Fruit and Nut Chairs