Director’s News

Wind Ensemble Performance at MPA

Dear Wind Ensemble member and parent,

I just wanted to give you a “heads-up” that our MPA (Music Performance Adjudication) performance will be on Wednesday, March 18th at Willow Springs H.S. (current home of Fuquay H.S.).  The performance time is 1:40pm.  We’ll be finished with everything by 2:40pm and students may leave the site by car if necessary to get to events held later that day.

We’ll have the kids excused from classes at 10:30am in order to dress, eat and prepare for departure (around 11:15am).  We’ll be taking 1 activity bus and a box truck.  Students will be permitted to drive with parent consent–although I would prefer as many kids ride the bus as possible.  We can fit most of them on the bus.

This is a HUGE event–comparable to an “SAT” or other standardized test for performance ensembles.  Originally it was named “State Band Contest” or “State Band Festival”… 21st century trends have renamed it with an acronym to make it sound more important…sigh…  Bottom line, it’s always been a big deal and our kids have been working really hard at presenting another superior performance!

You’ll get a reminder in a few weeks:)

Thank you,


“Doc” Dr. Jerry Markoch & Mr. Lucus Meade
Directors of Bands


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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.