Congratulations to the following ADHS Band students on their outstanding musical achievements!
UNC Charlotte Music Scholarship
05-15-12 Peter Jamison and Mitchell Stokes have each been awarded a Music Scholarship to UNC Charlotte and will be attending college there in the fall. Peter plans to major in Music Performance and pursues a medical career. Mitchell plans to major in Music Education. Congratulations to Peter and Mitchell on their outstanding achievement!
Coastal Carolina University Music Scholarship
05-14-12 Ally Lazar has been awarded a Music Scholarship to Coastal Carolina University. In addition to an Honor Band Festival Scholarship, Ally received the Chanticleer Band Program Award, Music Performance Award, Pep Band Stipend and Symphonic Band Stipend. Ally will attend Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC and plans to major in Music. Congratulations to Ally on her outstanding achievements!
All-State Honors Band
03-16-12 Leah Jamison (Oboe) was selected by audition to participate in the NC Bandmasters 2012 All-State Honors Band. To be given an opportunity to compete for All-State selection, a student must first compete for a position in the All-District Honors Band and be selected for a top chair position. Leah earned one of the top two slots at the 9th-10th grade level when she auditioned for the All-District Honors Band. This placement allowed her to advance to the All-State Honors Band auditions. At the All-State auditions, twelve oboe players from across the state auditioned for two slots; Leah was selected to fill one of those slots. The NC All-State Honors Bands Concert is scheduled for 1:00PM, Sunday, May 6th at Memorial Hall at UNC-Chapel Hill.
North Carolina Symphony Youth Sinfonietta
02-17-12 Corinne Crowley (Bassoon) has earned a position in the North Carolina Symphony Youth Sinfonietta chamber orchestra. The North Carolina Symphony Youth Sinfonietta is an exclusive chamber group of talented young musicians from across the state, selected by audition, who perform in a chamber orchestra led by Maestro Grant Llewellyn. Their winter concert was held January 15th, and the spring concert is scheduled for April 22nd.
Eastern Region All-State Orchestra
02-10-12 Corinne Crowley (Bassoon) and Rachel Knierim (French Horn) have earned positions in the NC Eastern Region Honors Orchestra. The NC Eastern Regional Orchestra is one of two orchestras of the NCMEA Orchestra Section. Their concert is Sunday, February 26th at the NC School of Science and Math in Durham.
UNC-G Honor Bands
01-28-12 Nine Athens Drive HS Band students were invited to attend the 23rd Annual Carolina Festival at UNC-Greensboro. Cesar Bernal (Tuba), Brian Holtshouser (Tenor Saxophone), Peter Jamison (Tenor Saxophone), Ben Markoch (Clarinet) and Aaron Park (Clarinet) earned positions with the UNC-G 11-12 Honors Symphonic Band. Del Dillard (Tuba), Leah Jamison (Oboe), Evan Johnson (Clarinet) and Mandy Spalding (Trumpet) earned positions with the UNC-G 9-10 Honors Concert Band. Students were selected after submitting an application and recording. Over 300 applications were received from the five-state area. Both concerts will be held Saturday, February 25th, at Aycock Auditorium on the UNC-G campus in Greensboro.
All-District Honors Band
01-10-12 Through audition, 14 Athens Drive HS Band students earned positions with the 2012 All-District Honor Bands. Rachel Knierim (French Horn) earned a position with the 11-12 Honors Wind Ensemble. Matt Burroughs (Trumpet), Shuan-Yu Chan (not pictured) (French Horn), Parker Comella (Alto Saxophone), Leah Jamison (Oboe), and Amith Madavilli (not pictured) (Snare) earned positions with the 9-10 Honors Wind Ensemble. Corinne Crowley (Bassoon), Austin Fishel (not pictured) (Snare), Brian Holtshouser (Tenor Saxophone), Peter Jamison (Tenor Saxophone), Aaron Park (Clarinet), Shiv Soneja (not pictured) (Euphonium), Mitchell Stokes (Clarinet) and Darby Teander (Alto Saxophone) earned positions with the 9-12 Honors Symphonic Band. Leah Jamison (Oboe) and Parker Comella (Alto Saxophone) also qualified for All-State Honors Band. The All-District Honors Band Concert is scheduled for Saturday, January 28th at Sanderson High School Auditorium in Raleigh.
Triangle Youth Brass Band
11-21-11 Madison Ligon (French Horn) and Ryan Suggs (Trumpet) earned positions, through audition, with the 2011-2012 Triangle Youth Brass Band. The Triangle Youth Brass Band’s mission is to provide an opportunity for the area’s finest high school brass and percussion players to supplement their wind band experience by performing in a British-style brass band. Their first concert is at 8pm on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at Meymandi Concert Hall in Raleigh. The remaining concerts are Sunday, March 18th and Friday, May 5th. Tour dates are April 12th – 15th.
Triangle Youth Philharmonic
11-08-11 Cesar Bernal (Tuba), Corinne Crowley (Bassoon), Rachel Knierim (French Horn) and Mary Lunsford (Percussion) have earned positions in the 2011-2012 Triangle Youth Philharmonic. The Triangle Youth Philharmonic is the most advanced ensemble sponsored by the Philharmonic Association. Concert dates are November 20, December 7, March 17 & 18, and April 29, 2012. Concerts are held at Meymandi Concert Hall in Raleigh.
Triangle Youth Symphony
11-08-11 Thomas Day (not pictured) (French Horn) and Leah Jamison (Oboe) have earned positions, through audition, to the 2011-2012 Triangle Youth Symphony. The Triangle Youth Symphony is one of six ensembles sponsored by the Philharmonic Association and one of the top two sponsored ensembles. Concerts are November 22, 2011 and May 1, 2012 at Meymandi Concert Hall in Raleigh.
Coastal Carolina Honor Band
11-08-11 Ally Lazar (Trombone) has been selected to participate in the 2011-2012 Coastal Carolina Honor Band. She will be attending the Coastal Carolina Honor Band and Scholarship Festival at Costal Carolina University in Conway, SC on December 1-3, 2011. Congratulations Ally!
U.S. Army All-American Marching Band
11-04-11 Cesar Bernal (Tuba) has been awarded a position in the U.S. Army All-American Marching Band which will perform in San Antonio on January 7th, 2012. This elite group of 125 of the finest musicians across the nation will perform at the halftime show of the “U.S. Army All-American Bowl.”
North Carolina Honors Orchestra
11-03-11 Rachel Knierim (French Horn) has been selected to participate in the North Carolina Honors Orchestra which will be performing November 13th at the Stevens Center in Winston-Salem. The Honors Orchestra is comprised of top players from the previous year’s All State Orchestra.