Congratulations to the following ADHS Band students on their outstanding musical achievements!
Recent 2018 Graduates (Scholarships & Music Pursuits)
2018-2019 Tri-M Music Honor Society
2019 North Carolina All-State Band (May 2019)
Six of our band students earned a coveted position in the 2019 North Carolina All-State Band:
Ana Atman
Gavin Foley
Derek Geiger
Wesley Major
Brennan Robbins
Brian Suh
Earning a position in the All-State Band is the highest honor that can be awarded a band student in North Carolina! The All-State Band in North Carolina comprises 100 of the finest musicians in our state.
2019 UNC-G Honor Bands (February 2019)
Six Athens Drive HS Band students auditioned and were invited to attend the 30th Annual Carolina Band Festival at UNC-Greensboro. Hundreds of students statewide submitted applications and recording from a multi-state area. Our students were selected among the best in the state.
Nia Alston
Gavin Foley
Derek Geiger
Kailee Hughes
Cooper Sykes
Taylor Woodhouse
All-District Honors Bands
Through audition, 13 Athens Drive HS Band students earned positions with the 2019 All-District Honor Bands. Congratulations to each student on this accomplishment.
Ana Altman
Ian Chang
Parker Dingman
Gavin Foley
Derek Geiger
Ashwath Kapilavai
Wes Major
Kaylin McClafferty
Brennan Robbins
Brian Suh
Ben Wakeford
Will Wakeford
Tyrone Williamson