Congratulations to the following ADHS Band students on their outstanding musical achievements!
Recent 2017 Graduates (Scholarships & Music Pursuits)
Kelley Harrell is attending the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis to study Music Therapy as a Lehnerts Scholar and a National Scholar.
2017-2018 Tri-M Music Honor Society
Martin Altman, Robert Bennett, Bryan Benson (pictured), Emily Benson, Sophia Berg, Brandon Berning, Emily Brittain, Denise Bahena Bustos, Melodie Chang, Lucas Dingman, Sydney Earp, Kasey Fountain, Caison Gray, Salah Haddad, Grace Herring, Joseph Howard, Olivia Jefferson (pictured), Noah Lanier, Stacy Mabiala, Kaylin McClafferty, Matthew Parker, Danielle Puccio (pictured), Sara Rappl, Lauren Rusnak, Eric Skinner, Carey Songey (pictured), Savannah Strickland, Davis Suffredini, Brian Suh (pictured), Grace Thomas, Sean Thornton, Vivian Villareal, Anna Vtipil (pictured), Ben Wakeford, Tyrone Williamson (pictured), Gillian Wright, Sophie Yingling, Jacob Younce
2018 North Carolina All-State Band (March 2018)
Four of our band students earned a coveted position in the 2018 North Carolina All-State Band:
Ian Chang (10th grade, trumpet)
Cooper Sykes (10th grade, alto sax)
Brian Suh (11th grade, trumpet)
Tyrone Williamson (11th grade, trumpet)
Earning a position in the All-State Band is the highest honor that can be awarded a band student in North Carolina! The All-State Band in North Carolina comprises 100 of the finest musicians in our state. The band rehearses and performs at UNC-Chapel Hill in early May.
2018 UNC-G Honor Bands (February 2018)
Eleven Athens Drive HS Band students auditioned and were invited to attend the 29th Annual Carolina Band Festival at UNC-Greensboro February 15-17, 2018. Hundreds of students statewide submitted applications and recording from a multi-state area. Our students were selected among the best in the state.
Nia Alston
Ana Altman
Bryan Benson (pictured)
Gavin Foley (pictured)
Derek Geiger (pictured)
Kailee Hughes
Bryan Jarvis
Wesley Major
Cooper Sykes (pictured)
Andrew Uy (pictured)
Bailey Van Wormer (pictured)
All-District Honors Bands (January 2018)
Through audition, 17 Athens Drive HS Band students earned positions with the 2018 All-District Honor Bands. Congratulations to each student on this accomplishment.
9-10 Wind Ensemble: Brennan Robbins (FLUTE), Anna Vtipil (CLARINET) (pictured), Ashwath Kapilavai (CLARINET), Cooper Sykes (ALTO SAX – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!) (pictured), Will Wakeford (ALTO SAX), Gavin Foley (TENOR SAX – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!) (pictured), Ian Chang (TRUMPET – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!) (pictured), Ana Altman (TRUMPET), Derek Geiger (HORN) (pictured), Wesley Major (TUBA), Parker Dingman (SNARE DRUM)
11-12 Wind Ensemble: Kaylin McClafferty (OBOE – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!), Bryan Benson (BASSOON – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!) (pictured), Danielle Puccio (CLARINET) (pictured), Brian Suh (TRUMPET – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!), Tyrone Williamson (TRUMPET) (pictured), Ben Wakeford (SNARE DRUM – ALL-STATE ELIGIBLE!!!)
Triangle Youth Music
The Triangle Youth Music is an advanced ensemble sponsored by the Philharmonic Association.
Ian Chang: Brass Band, 2nd Chair
Melodie Chang: Philharmonic, Oboe, 2nd Chair
Gavin Foley: Jazz Ensemble
Tyrone Williamson: Brass Band (Principal Cornet) and Jazz Ensemble
Andrew Uy: Philharmonic
Others, not pictured:
Wesley Major: Philharmonic
Kaylin McClafferty: Symphony
Malakhi Smith: Philharmonic
Music for All – Honor Band
The Honor Band of America is one of three national honor ensembles that are part of the Music for All National Festival, along with the Honor Orchestra of America and Jazz Band of America.
Tyrone Williamson
Along with the other accolades list on this page, Tyrone was selected for the 2018 Governor’s School.
Cannon Music Camp
A three-week music-filled retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Cannon Music Camp offers the most comprehensive course of musical instruction in the Southeast, with intensive college preparatory work in performance and music theory.
Danielle Puccio: received a partial scholarship for this summer’s camp. It will be her 3rd summer attending this outstanding music camp.