Booster Minutes

Booster Meeting Minutes March 6, 2014

Note: February Meeting was cancelled. 

Meeting began at 8:30pm  

Attendance: 33 


  • Welcome. Thanks to Jeffrey Bubar and his Eagle Scout Project for the new band room cabinets and the 2014 Senior Class for the TV, speakers, amp, DVD player and cables. 


  • Minutes from February 27th meeting reviewed. Motion to accept by JoMarie Holtshouser. Seconded by Tabitha Groelle. 


  • Fundraiser income for current year is already $9000 more than anticipated. Totals include income from Citipass, State Fair, Fall BBQ, Fruit & Nuts, PNC, NC State Lemonade Stands and Durham Bulls.
  • Band statements emailed out about 2 weeks ago. If you did not receive your statement, please send a note to or speak with Jean Burroughs or Richard Spalding. Additional opportunities coming up to work and put money into account if you still owe. Deadline for completion of fundraiser credit hours has been extended until June 1st.
  • Currently considering new fundraiser potential at Red Hat Arena, Convention Center and Performing Arts Center.


  • Taylor Summers reported winterguard has caught up from snow days. Uniforms and flags are in. Next competition is March 15th at Corinth Holders in Wendell. 9 to9 practice this weekend. Received 1st place at Cleveland HS competition and 2nd place at Panther Creek. 

Winter Percussion 

  • Taylor Summers reported winter percussion underway. Still working to complete show. Should be ready by upcoming weekend. Next competition is Saturday at Wakefield HS. Winterguard and Winter Percussion Exhibition at Athens on April 7th. Last weekend 10to10 practice. Incredible progress. 


  • Mary announced openings for 2014-15 Committee Chair positions. Still need chairs or co-chairs for Fruit & Nuts, Grocery Cards, Let’s Eat!, NCSU Lemonade Stand, Staples Rewards, Communications, Website, Graphic Design. 

Ways and Means 

  • PNC – 66 events to date plus 22 additional carts. Percentage paid out by PNC is adjustable based on point system. For every 30 points earned, we get a 1% increase in sales percentage back to the band. Just received 3rd percentage increase. Payout to date is $6885 going to student accounts, $220 to Winter Programs Scholarship fund and $1865 to General Fund. Women’s Empowerment and NCAA Tournament coming up and are all day events. New uniform requirements that began January 1st are working well. Groelle’s purchased new black caps for everyone. Most frequent workers have assigned aprons.
  • Durham Bulls – Season begins April 4th. Signups are available online.
  • Car Wash – Scheduled for Wednesday, April 16 6-8:30pm at Scruffy Duck in Apex. Last car will be taken at 8pm. Band receives $7 of every $10 ticket purchase. Have to sell at least 90 tickets to cover cost. If sell 300+ tickets, band receives $8 per ticket. Can run 110-150 cars through during the 6-8:30pm time frame. Tickets can be used night of the event for full wash by band students or within 30 days as a $10 off coupon for a wash by Scruffy Duck employees. For our event, Scruffy Duck employees will drive the cards through; students will dry, wipe and do windows. Tickets to go out to students next week with money or tickets due back the Friday before Spring Break (3/28). Extra tickets are available. Scruffy Duck located in Laura Duncan Village near Apex HS. We are allowed to sell food but need a coordinator. If interested, contact Jennifer Wakeford.
  • Let’s Eat! – Village Draft House in Cameron Village on Monday, April 14th. Village Draft House donating a percentage of all sales, all day (11am-midnight) on the 14th to the Athens Drive Arts Foundation for support of the Athens Drive HS Band Program.

NYC Trip 

  • Went over NYC agenda.
  • Wind Ensemble students should leave all concert attire at school after Thursday’s Festival II Concert in preparation for NYC. Please have them bring a change of clothes, including shoes, to Thursday’s concert.
  • Thanks to food donations from Bruegger’s Bagels, Jimmy Johns on Tryon, Whole Foods of Raleigh and The Fresh Market in Cary, boosters will be able to provide breakfast on Saturday, lunch on Saturday and healthy snacks for the trip home on Tuesday. Trip fee covers dinners for Saturday, Sunday and Monday and breakfast on Sunday. Boosters will be providing breakfast on Monday. Coolers will be provided for students wishing to keep leftovers from Saturday’s dinner at Carnegie Deli for lunch on Sunday. Students should bring own snacks for bus and room.
  • Darrell Suggs is creating “NYC Walk Maps” to go along with our agenda. Will be emailed out with final agenda.
  • Follow our twitter accounts: @athensbandtrip (for schedule changes, report times, general trip communications to students and chaperones). Arrival times available from our @athensdriveband twitter account. If you’re not on twitter, text “follow @athensbandtrip” to 40404. Same for @athensdriveband.
  • Chaperones assigned to student groups based on rooming. Nightly room checks.
  • For those ordering tickets, tickets will be distributed prior to event. Aleece will check to see when tickets available and communicate how to pickup up if you’re not traveling with the band.
  • Pack warm clothing and good walking shoes.
  • Need updated medical information and/or insurance information for Marching Band students (going to NYC with us) if there have been changes since Marching Band season. Need WCPSS Medical and Consent form for all Class Band Only students traveling with us to NYC.
  • Email Aleece or Mary if your child has a food allergy. Kim Lowe to check with Jing Fong regarding peanut and legume allergies.


  • Winter Percussion AIA Championships at Wakefield HS, Saturday, March 29th.
  • Winterguard AIA Championships at Dorton Arena, Saturday, March 29th. 


  • The family has been notified and are with our dear friend and fellow band dad, Buzz Culotta. Moment of silence for Buzz and his family.
  • February Booster Meeting was cancelled.
  • Jazz Band, Winter Programs and Class Bands going great.
  • Guest Maestros coming in and providing fresh ears to show us where we need to grow musically.
  • Wind Ensemble’s clinic at Carnegie Hall will be conducted by Dr. Markoch’s mentor from University of Miami.
  • Newspaper article regarding our upcoming performance at Carnegie Hall has been published.
  • Symphonic Band going to Festival and will be our only band participating in Festival this year. Their performance is March 14 at West Johnston High School. Wind Ensemble is not going to Festival this year due conflict with Carnegie Hall Performance.
  • Athens Concert Band, Jazz Band and Dillard MS Band Concert is next week (Thursday March 13).
  • Had a nice number of incoming freshmen attend our open house.
  • Six students qualified to audition for All-State Honors Band this weekend: Leah Jamison, Marc Bennett, Emma Vtipil, Josh Scarborough, Caitlin Cassidy and Matt Baker. Josh Scarborough unable to audition since he will be participating at Bands of America that week.
  • 2016 Rose Bowl application to be submitted in May.
  • Planning on participating in 2014 Thanksgiving Parade in Philadelphia this November.

Closing Announcements 

  • Jeffrey Bubar’s family thanked everyone for all the help and support for Jeffrey’s Eagle Scout project. 

Meeting ended at 9:30pm 

Next meeting Thursday, April 10th 7:30pm

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Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.