Booster News

Coupon book deadline extended

Hi all,

We know it’s a very busy time, so we have decided to extend the coupon book deadline to Friday September 13th. This gives everyone an extra week to get those books sold!!

Remember, the more books you sell, the more money goes into your child’s band account. This is an easy way to help pay off that band account and get a head start on the Washington D.C. trip in May!

If you have finished selling books, please use the envelopes provided to turn in the money collected along with any unsold books. Money and unsold books should be turned in to one of us (LaWanda or Liz). We can also give you more books if you need more to sell.

LaWanda will be in the parking lot at the school after practice on Thursday the 5th and Tuesday the 10th. You can find her in her car with a big sign that says “Coupon Books.”

Liz will be at school on Wednesdays. She can be found outside the band room from 2:30-3:00pm and also out at the practice field around 5:30.

ALL Money and books NEED to be turned in by Friday September 13th

Please do not keep the “free” books. as ALL books need to be turned in so we can make sure to calculate all books sold and the money collected for them. We plan on distributing the “Free” books both at the Football game on Friday September 20th and at the 9-9 Practice on Saturday the 21st.

Thank you.
LaWanda & Liz
Coupon Book Committee

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Nothing from Wed, 12 March 2025 to Thu, 13 March 2025.