Booster News

New Seasons Start Monday

Hello Marching Band Families!

The 2024-25 marching band season starts tomorrow! Welcome to all new and returning students and families as we embark on another incredible year of marching band!

Band camp is an important, intense, and fun time for the marching band. During this week, students learn the music and maneuvers of the field show, experience the discipline required of a first-rate organization, and build lasting relationships. Band Camp will be held in Rocky Mount, NC at Wesleyan University Sunday, July 28th through Friday, August 2nd. Complete details can be found attached to this email or through the following online links: Band Camp Schedule, Band Camp Rules & Policies and the Band Camp Packing List.

Pre-camp will be held Monday, July 22nd through Thursday, July 25th from 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Be sure to e-mail as soon as possible if your student will be unable to attend pre-camp.

We highly encourage ALL parents to attend our Parent Pre-Camp Meeting on Tuesday July 23rd at 6:45pm. We will provide vital information about Band Camp and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Immediately following this meeting, please join us in the cafeteria for our annual Booster Fair, where you can learn about our Band Booster organization and how to get involved with this wonderful band family.


Turn in ALL outstanding forms on the 1st night of pre-camp (July 22nd)
Thank you to everyone who has turned in completed forms. Yay! There are, however, many other required forms still outstanding. Make sure you have completed and turned in each of these forms:

WCPSS Parental Consent & Student Medical Information
Student’s health insurance card – copy of front and back
WCPSS Student Photo Permission Form
WCPSS Athletic Participation Form (new members ONLY)
All of these forms can be found at You may choose to sign them digitally by clicking on those options, or print them out and bring them with you.

Attend Pre-camp Parent Meeting – Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:45 p.m. See above for details
Students – Band Camp Dorm Assignment Sign Up Every camper will be assigned to a single room. Because the residence halls contain suites, students will be given an opportunity to sign up to share suites (in groups of 5-6). Doc will announce when sign ups are posted and students will be given priority based on seniority.
Payments – Please make sure your band account is current as of July 25th.
Reusable Water Bottle (labeled with your name) – bring to ALL band practices and camp
Donations: Towels, sunscreen, bug spray. We will need lots and lots of these items! I’ll have a bin set up right inside the doors of the band room next week to collect. Drop off any time between 1:00pm and 10:00pm. Thanks so much!!
Review: Band Camp Itinerary, Rules & Policies and the Band Camp Packing List


The following people will be taking great care of our kids at band camp: Miriam Som, Georgia Schmidt, Thanh Giang, Amy Thomas, Donna Giang, Elena Casanova, Kerry Trout, Laurie Cockman, Melanie Edwards, Merri Beth Hibbets

Antoinette Hoskins, Brooke Patin, Carol Moore, Jennifer Kell, Norma Toledo Agular

Shelly Henderson, Bill Schmidt, Matt Corey, Michael Clinkscales, Chad Lenhart

Corey Benson, Don Morse, Cesar Toledo & Jeramie Mullis.

We appreciate all of these volunteers for their dedication to making band camp possible and a great success!


Check out our new 2024 Marching Band Spirit Wear Store and stock up on your band swag! The store opens for shopping at midnight tonight and closes at midnight on August 4th.

We’re looking forward to another amazing season!!!

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Support The Band

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We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.