Booster News

PNC Workers Needed in March

For the remainder of March, we need 8 workers – preferably adults to work at PNC events.
The pay is $40 per shift and we have openings for 5 Hurricanes games, and other events like Winter Jam on 3/21 and the Worldest Toughest Rodeo on 3/29.
If you can help us, please sign up using the direct link , (or go to the big orange VOLUNTEER button on the band’s website, scroll to the PNC and signup!)

Brenda Gerken
ADHS PNC Committee Chair

Booster Team

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Support The Band

Earn money for your band account and for the band.

We Need You!

We can't do this without your help.  Sign Up To Volunteer.

Nothing from Sun, 16 February 2025 to Mon, 17 February 2025.