To: Marching Band seniors/section leaders, upperclassmen
RE: Pep Band performance at Dillard Drive M.S.
The Dillard Drive M.S. PTA has asked our band to provide some pep music for a “tailgate” party/get-together they are having this Tuesday, Sept. 25th from 6:00-7:00pm.
I am asking for our upperclassmen to consider performing for this event. It will be brief; it will count as NHS hours; and I believe it is really good PR for our band program.
Here is what our schedule will look like on Tuesday:
Marching Band rehearsal concludes 5:00pm
(I will purposely end rehearsal a bit earlier than usual to allow students to grab a snack and change into our band blue polo shirt)
Load activity bus for Dillard M.S. 5:50pm
Arrive at Dillard M.S. 6:00pm
Perform for parents/students 6:15-6:45pm
Arrive back at Athens 7:00pm
Please know that I realize that we are all very busy getting ready for our first competition; however, it is important to honor our commitment as “Athens Drive’s #1 Ambassador” as much as we can. Plus, it will be fun!
Thank you so much! A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bandroom white board.